How to make an Elevator in Minecraft

Hey miners! Playing Minecraft and needing to go to higher places, elevators are the best thing you can make. If you don’t know how to make an elevator in Minecraft, so we have written some easy steps to create an elevator go up and down. 

How to make an elevator in Minecraft;

There are two ways to make an elevator; 

  1. Without Redstone
  2. With Redstone

Elevator without Redstone

Step 1

Make a 3 by 3 square has a hole in the middle. 

Step 2

Next to the square, make a stack of blocks reaching the height you want your elevator to be 

Step 3 

On the top of stack put a 3 by 3 square as it hovers above the previous 3 by 3.

Step 4 

In the hole of the square stack ice from the first block to the other one hovering 

Step 5 

Break all other ice blocks present in the stack 

Step 6

Between the blocks of the stack put torches. 

Step 7

Till the ice melts but doesn’t take torches out. You can break the first block of your 3 by 3 present on the ground and replace it with a solid block. 

Step 8

Hold your jump key and walk into the floating water blobs. Your elevator will start to carry you up.

Elevator With Redstone 


  1. pistons 

2. solid block

3. redstone torches

4. redstone repeaters 

5. stair block


Step 1 

Take 4 by 4 blocks for the walls of the elevator. Take the height of your choice. Choose your Building material keep in mind that you choose your building material which will blend nicely with the stairs that we will add later on.

Step 2 

When you are finished with building your walls, add a marker, the marker is placed where the button will be set later on.

Step 3 

Now you have to add your stairs, stand on the marker you made and face your face to the right, place stairs there, and continue making the staircase up to the top.

Step 4 

You have to add a hole now; the holes are guidance to show where the sticky pistons are to be placed. From the left to Malta you place block UP 2nd Block from the ground and start breaking it will be a 1 hole to the top of an elevator.

Step 5 

Now you need to add 1 Block below the hole you just created. Do the same thing up to the top.

Step 6 

Inside of your elevator Tower place a sticky Piston on each block you just placed. The sticky Piston will be placed on the one block back.

Step 7

Individually cover all the sticky Piston inside the tower this will help to push the sticky Piston to force the player right up to the stairs. 

Step 8 

Place a block behind your button marker, place Redstone on the top of this block, Stand to the left of sticky Piston in the face left to jump, and put a Redstone repeater make sure space is on the left otherwise it will not work and set the repeater to 4. It is the slowest setting, but you can feel free to experiment with a faster time if you want your elevator to work fast. Change the repeater to 2 instead of 4.

Continue connecting the sticky Pistons to Red Stone and Redstone repeaters to the top, but you should do like the stair method. 

You have made this congratulation, you have now made elevator enjoy your transportation. 

 Some necessary queries and answers are given below;

How high can a soul sand elevator go?

The up and down elevator has a maximum height of 12 units due to limited amounts of blocks piston move. 

How high can a water elevator go?

The water elevator can be launched to a maximum height of 11 blocks.

How to go up in the elevator?

When you have built an elevator, you now have to stand on the pressure plate on the left bottom. 

Version for elevator 

If your elevator is not working, make sure you are not using an old version. It should be at least 1.8

Can I use this technique on the phone?

This technique only works on the console or a pc but not on Minecraft PE.

Why can’t I go up in the elevator?

This must be due to you might be playing Minecraft in PE. In that edition, the elevator won’t work. You will be stuck at the bottom, and it won’t elevate you.


  • It’s a good idea to build your house near your elevator instead of trying to fit an elevator into a home.
  • If you are making an elevator in survival mode, make sure that you have a secondary staircase in case your elevator is damaged, or you fall off. 
  • You might consider building a second elevator and a platform connecting the two so that you can always have one lift up and down.

Hope you learned How to make an Elevator in Minecraft! if you have any questions or any type of suggestion we are always happy to hear it from you.

If you have any other idea related to how to make an Elevator in Minecraft, you can tell us in comments.

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